The 12 Houses
In an astrological chart, the 12 houses are where our celestial main characters, the planets and luminaries, play their big and small parts on our terrestrial stages.
1st House
This is the house of the self, personality, the body, appearance, and the mind. Mercury finds their joy (or is their happiest) here.
2nd House
People typically associate the second house with money, but it’s about about values, assets & possessions, and how one makes money.
3rd House
This house has a lot of different significations including short-distance travel, your neighborhood, siblings and cousins, friends who are like family, and communication. The moon finds rejoices here.
4th House
The fourth house deals with one’s private life (as it is the most hidden house in the chart), home, family, and the nurturing parent.
5th House
Welcome to the fun house! The fifth house involves creativity, romance, sex, sexuality, children, play, and pleasure. Venus finds enjoys herself the most here.
6th House
The daily grind is one of the significations of the sixth house. Health & illness, routines, work — including co-workers and employees — pets are also a part of the sixth house. Mars finds his deepest happiness here.
7th House
The house of the other, seventh house concerns include: one-on-on partnerships including marriage and business partnerships; open enemies and competitors; and, best friends.
8th House
The eighth house involves other people’s things and possessions including investments, taxes, and inheritances. Other people’s stuff also includes other people’s emotions.
9th House
The expansive ninth house involves long-distant travel, mind expansion, higher ed, religion & philosophy, and foreign people, places, and cultures. The sun enjoys themself the most here.
10th House
The tenth house significations include career, vocation, and life’s work. Other significations: public life, reputation, awards, honors, leadership and authority (e.g., bosses), and the authoritative parent.
11th House
This house has all the people: groups, associations, movements, and clubs. Larger community, friends, parasocial relationships, fandoms, and followers also are associated with the eleventh house. Jupiter finds his joy here.
12th House
This house is a bit spooky. It’s one of isolation, solitude, hidden enemies, hospitals, prisons, and other places of confinement and constrictions. It’s the house of one’s own undoing and self-sabotage. Saturn loves saying no the most here.